Adding "Edit in Clarify" link to articles

In order to edit an article with Clarify two fields must be present in an article object:

  1. At least 1 rich text field.
  2. A formula field that generates the link that will open the article in Clarify.

Navigate to Customize > Knowledge > Article Types

Navigate to Customize > Knowledge > Article Types

Edit an article type

Edit (or create if need be) an article object.

Edit an article type

Create a new field

Create a new field

Set the type to "Text Area (Rich)"

Set the type to "Text Area (Rich)"

Name it

Any name will do.

Name it

Make sure it is visible

This field should be visible to everyone as it will hold the main article content.

Make sure it is visible

Clarify: New Custom Field ~ - Developer Edition

Clarify: New Custom Field ~ - Developer Edition

Create another new field

Create another new field

Set the type to "Formula"

Set the type to "Formula"

Set Formula Return Type to "Text"

Set the formula return type and label.

Set Formula Return Type to "Text"

Assign the formula

The formula is the following:

"clarify://" & Id

If you have Spring 2014 or later installed then you can make the text a hyperlink. Prior to the Spring 2014 release the following will not work, however.

HYPERLINK("clarify://" & Id, "Edit in Clarify")
Assign the formula

Make sure field is only visible to those who edit article content

This field should not be visible to people visiting your knowledge base. Only those who can edit the article content should see it.

Make sure field is only visible to those who edit article content

The result

You should now have one Rich Text Area and one Formula field. You can now start creating articles with Clarify.

The result


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